While at Myrtle Beach, SC we were shockingly in the front row of the Space X Launch of Falcon Heavy out of Cape Canaveral, FL on 1/15/23. Karl enjoys following Space X and the amazing development of technology and knew that there was a going to be a launch while we were there. The launch had been cancelled the night before due to weather, but since this night's forecast had clear skies we decided to walk down to the beach and see if we could see anything. I was sincerely thinking that we might see a red flash or a quick streak in the sky like a shooting star. As we walked down to the beach from our campsite I asked Karl if he thought we "would know it if we saw it?", and he wasn't particularly sure either... Well, um, the answer was an equivocal YES!!
Karl had the launch countdown playing on the YouTube channel on his iPhone and as the scene unfolded in front of us, I impulsively decided to video the event on my phone...this turned out to be BEYOND brilliant (emphasis on BEYOND) because afterward, when we were a wee bit less flabbergasted, we were able to watch the whole damn thing again and pay even more attention to what was happening! So, I edited the video into 2 videos that are a little less than a 1&1/2 minutes each so that HOPEFULLY it is share-worthy! Note that the sound quality is a little more static-y on the first one, and it is a little easier to both our comments and the "announcer"during the second. So, if you are anything like me you'll be more than a little amazed at how far technology has come! And, remember - we're watching this from the beach in South Carolina (over 500 miles away by car!)...
(Editor's note: Please notice that (for once) you don't hear any swearwords coming out of MY mouth!...)
In this picture, the side boosters are peeling off and heading back to their landing pad in Cape Canaveral while Falcon Heavy continues upward and onward...