Our planned trip following South Carolina was a brief jaunt to New England. We had reserved a bunch of Harvest Host stops and were looking forward to adding some states to the map on the side of our trailer. Our first stop upon leaving SC was Tanglewood Park Campground in NC and then a Distillery in Durham. We then stayed at The Keystone Truck & Tractor Museum in Colonial Height, VA which was a MEGA FIND!!! I have to admit that I rolled my eyes when Karl mentioned that he made this reservation for this Harvest Host site but there were 3 acres INSIDE of beautiful cars, tractors, trucks etc... which were both stunning and mind boggling when you got to read and learn about them and their purposes back-in-the-day! (We posted a bunch of pics on FB so I didn’t overdo it here…)
We stayed at a brewery in VA - Port City Brewing Co in Alexandria (literally just outside of DC) and they had some really high quality beer - so much so that I HAD to stock up my cooler for my visits up north! We met some fun locals while there and had a fun stay. Our stops in Delaware (Lums Pond State Park Campground) and Maryland (Maryland Beer Co) were about 20 minutes apart but we didn’t care because we got to add both states to the map (since we spent the night at both places). Oh and Maryland was having a month of waiving the state gas tax (due to the horrific-ness going on with bleepin' Russia) so we got to save 40+ cents a gallon on diesel fuel while there!
We then added Connecticut to our map by staying in Guilford, CT at Bishop's Orchards Farm Market & Winery - complete with llamas and chickens, a fun little tasting of their fruit wines made on site, stocking up on some produce and a "little" snacking at their creamery! Next stop...New Hampshire and some GLORIOUS GOLDENS!!!
Taps & Jammie were long-time KAY-9 Luvs & Suds Mobile Dog Grooming & Pampering clients and had also abandoned me well before my retirement plan was ever concretized. (And YES that is meant as a dig to my other beloved abandoners Ronin and Yuka in NJ!) ... I'd kept in touch with their peeps regarding their transition from Sudbury, MA to Bedford, NH and had stopped and visited once when I was somewhat in the area of NH. Well, during our plotting stage to get up to Maine in March and our need for a NH sticker - it was a no-brainer that a lovefest in NH was in my future (regardless how out of the way it was)! So Kay & Karl's (and Penny's) Most Excellent Adventure looped its way up to Bedford, NH for a fun visit and overnight stay with Taps & Jammie, their new (post-Kay) 1.3 year old sibling, Simba, and their entire wonderful human pack of Ted, Julie, Laura & Dan. The actual reunion with these cuties was hilarious and pretty much Disney-movie-worthy with their enthusiasm (don't EVER think that dogs don't remember people)! Glorious stay in every sense of the word...Well except for Simba trying repeatedly to get waaaayyyy too personal with Penny - but she eventually put him in his place and I’m guessing was a little proud of herself that she’s “still got it”!!