So last Saturday, April 10th, our beloved and wonderful neighbors threw an outdoor (socially distanced) farewell party for us. There was laughter and tears, speeches and gratitude, love and much humor. All of that was heightened by a bright sunny day in the 80's!! Today, 6 days later, we woke up in Chicopee, MA on the first full morning of our new life to...SNOW. Cold, raw, snow...An appropriate exclamation point to the famous saying around here: "only in New England"...OR..."If you don't like the weather - wait a minute!" Good thing we got ourselves a 4 season trailer! We are plugged into our friends' house that they are renovating so we don't have to think about energy conservation and we can have a long hot shower in the house!
Last night we had a lovely dinner with Karl's sister and brother-in-law and niece. (We also worked on our plotting to meet up in Wyoming this summer!) I cannot believe how WIPED we are. This snowy/rainy weather is actually perfect mood music to staying put and starting to recover from the emotional and physical whirlwind that was preparing our house for sale and getting rid of everything we own via donation (primarily), gifting, sale or storage at my siblings' and step-daughter's homes. Hoeing out of all-things-Helberg at 2 Spring Lane in Framingdoodle was waaayyy more draining than anticipated. We couldn't have done it without the star of the day(s), my beloved Sis-TER, Lauryl, who will always be lovingly thought of in a Cinderella hero's cape as "Rella"! She also arranged to have my brothers meet us at our home last weekend for a group hug and well deserved/needed visit. The damn pandemic cancelled Xmas last year so this together time was N-E-C-E-S-S-A-R-Y!!! So, I'm not going to get too emotional here, but for those of you that know me - you know how hard it is going to be for me to not be within hugging/smooching distance of my friends and loved ones (and all the beloved dogs I love)...